(purple haze carrots and lemon cucumbers)
Hello Kittens! Gosh, it's been a long, long time. Thought you might want to know that I just planted my spring garden.. I actually had a winter garden as well. So much fun!! This is what we have in store in a couple of months. Arugla, radishes, broccoli, beets, egg plant, millions of hatch chilies, jalapeƱos, tomatoes, carrots, purple haze carrots, bok choy, lemon cucumbers, honey dew melon, 2 types of squash, green onions, cabbage. My herbs still are doing well. mint, cilantro, basil, lavender, and thyme. My radishes came up in a little over 4 days they are so pretty! This am I saw the beginnings of my bok choy crop!!