Black Maria.
Big Surf 1989
Hey Guys: Just found this on youtube. Does anyone remember this show. It was, I must say one of the best times I have ever had. Do you remember Big Surf in Tempe? It is basically a man made beach on the outskirts of town. Big Surf was freaking awesome, a huge toilet that flushed every 5 minutes. You would get so sunburnt. They had a bar for parents at one point. I would eat french fries and vanilla shakes together in the late afternoon just before I had to turn in my raft. Anywho, right after I graduated from college, the Chili peppers played at Big Surf. I can't believe someone filmed the show.
Spring in the desert

(purple haze carrots and lemon cucumbers)
It was pouring rain yesterday, all day.. so this dusty, smoggy f'ing town got a nice soaking... and I seriously couldn’t be happier. I quite honestly don’t know the last time it rained here? Thank God I tell you.... When I lived on the east coast it seemed like it was an every other day occurrence. The moisture in the air was so nice.... I miss my hair curling up after walking out the door, wearing my ultra coolio rain coat, and using an umbrella. I swear, I never thought I would say this but I miss the humidity of our nation's capitol. Ah, the good life, when I didn’t need lotion and conditioner by the gallons.. It's an issue now kittens.

from inside the gallery.
This desert has made me dry to the bone, in one toooooo many ways. It’s amazing how freaky everyone gets, as it so scarcely rains that usually you run into the same conversation all day.
Me: I’m so happy it’s raining.
Next door neighbor: Yes, we really, really need it.
Me: It’s great it’s raining.
Colleague at work: Yes, we need it.
Me: Can you believe all this rain?
Out of town client: Looks like this town needs it.

So, last night I met some friends prior to my long trek back to my suburban house which by highway takes about 45 minutes to an hour to get home.. With the rain, I figured that it was going to take me as long waiting in traffic as it would to get a drink and relax.. At 7 pm, I ventured back to the house.. apparently I wasn't the only one who had this great idea.. so, again I was stuck in traffic with all the people who had a drink before heading home after work.. It was just as packed but no weird edge to the driving.. A little slow, but confident, and a little red in the face.

Lots and lots to be thankful for..
Favorite Places to eat...
Here are the rules:
- Link to the person who tagged you.
- Include the state and country you live in.
- List top five favorite local restaurants.
- Tag five other people and let them know they've been tagged.
This is a local New Mexico chain that opened in Albuquerque around 1952. It has the best green chili cheese burgers I have ever tasted. Seriously good. If you haven't had one, ya need to have one. Everything about it is beautiful. It's one of the first things this Navajo gal does when she visits capitol of the Navajo Nation or New Mexico. The french fries are real, and for some reason the cokes even taste better there.

Cowboy Ciao

So there you have it.
Here the five that I have tagged.
Hunter and Buzzard
Benjamen Walker's Theory of everything
Happy Chicken Swingset
Digital Pawnee Warefare
Whole Earth Community Supported Agriculture