Here are the rules:
- Link to the person who tagged you.
- Include the state and country you live in.
- List top five favorite local restaurants.
- Tag five other people and let them know they've been tagged.
This is a local New Mexico chain that opened in Albuquerque around 1952. It has the best green chili cheese burgers I have ever tasted. Seriously good. If you haven't had one, ya need to have one. Everything about it is beautiful. It's one of the first things this Navajo gal does when she visits capitol of the Navajo Nation or New Mexico. The french fries are real, and for some reason the cokes even taste better there.

A small beautifully busy noodle shop in Soho NYC, my favorites are the bangkok curry with eggplant, the Malaysian curried noodles, and this great salad that has some sort of yummy crisp slivers of something onion like and a lovely sesame, ginger, soy dressing that is like no other I have ever tasted. It's super loud and so New Yorkie. I recognized it in a movie called "Great Expectations" with Ethan Hawke and Robert, I know that someone else likes the looks of the place as much as I do.
Cowboy Ciao
A great resturant in Scottsdale. I have been told that this is the place that George Clooney likes to go when in Scottsdale, Darling. My favorite is a dish which consists of an ancho-cream pan-fry with cremini, button and oyster mushrooms over double-cooked polenta with grilled portabellini, avocado, tomato and cotija cheese. Yikes.. Kittens, this is a serious dish. The wine list is one of the largest I have ever seen. You can get flights of different types of wine and champagne.. Oh! They have a great martini which they serve with olives stuffed with blue cheese. one word kittens - yum.
Eos Wine bar, San Francisco

This place was awesome. Everytime I am in San Francisco, I try to head over.. I have only had a couple of things on the menu but the green curry Prince Edward Island Mussels and grilled bread were soooo good, and even though I haven't had this dish in about 4 years, I still think about the deep fried Salmon and Mango egg Rolls with wasabi-mustard dipping sauce. This is also the place I had the best glass of wine I have ever literally had. Kittens, I like my wine dusty almost muddy. The bartender asked what I liked, and handed over this perfect and amazing wine. I swear, it was the best wine drunk I have ever had.. You know the one.. where you are red faced, happy, almost sleepy, giggly, and having the best time ever! Of course, I didn't get the name of the wine when I floated out of there and so I have spent years trying to find it. Kittens, I guess it was just one of those things you can't replicate because believe me I have tried.
Norman's Arizona.. So, this was my all time favorite place in Phoenix, Arizona. Chef Norman Fierros was around a good two decades, creating a hand full of fab places to eat. I first met him when he owned a place called Fina Cocina in downtown phoenix. I worked at the art gallery next door way back in 1989. His lunches were awesome, and sometimes so busy he scream through the door that connected his place and the gallery and asked me to help serve. "Hey cabrona, get in here." Is all I would hear. All of his restaurants were the places to be seen. Norman also won the James Beard Award soon after we met.
Kittens, I even got engaged there! He is an original, flamboyant, naughty doll. His food was the best at showing the cutting edge in new and innovative approaches to Mexican food. He was also a lover of art and always had the best of the best of Arizona artists on his walls. As many of you kittens know, I lived and worked in Washington D.C. for a good ten years. Norman would sometimes federal express me 50 - 60 tamales for my parties. Those tamale parties were such a huge hit, they were famous. People would actually ask to be invited. I also loved that Norman paired his lobster enchiladas with champagne. As well, I loved his Green chili mash.. A seared chili cut in two, mashed potatoes piled on top, and then smothered with green chili chicken stew. I crave this dish a lot. I believe my love for good food, was taught in part by this wonderful chef.
So there you have it.
Here the five that I have tagged.
Hunter and Buzzard
Benjamen Walker's Theory of everything
Happy Chicken Swingset
Digital Pawnee Warefare
Whole Earth Community Supported Agriculture
Wow, now THIS was a great list! You're so well traveled.
Hey, speaking of being well traveled, want to go to Greece, Spain, or Italy in the fall of 2009? It'll be mine and Todd's 20-year anniversary (together, not married), so I'm starting to save for it now. I just hope I don't have to blow it on something as mundane as the mortgage....
Wow! 20 years. Can you believe it? I think next year, it will be near the ten year mark for us. Yes, I do want to go to Europe, and those are the exactly places I would like to go!!!!
Saving? What is that? Saving.. I tell ya.
I just found this new cheap travel site called at Looks good for traveling to Europe.
Since the only way you post (and by the way, even Raho and Hankie said "Is she ever going to update that blog of hers?") is by being tagged for a meme ... TAG!
Eek! I didn't even see your comment until today..and the only reason I did was because I clicked on your blog.
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